Does my child need speech?
Do you ever feel like your child is getting frustrated that you don’t understand what they are saying? Do they say less than their peers or sound younger than their friends? Do you have concerns that they aren’t speaking or don’t feel like you know what they should be doing? These are all reasons to give us a call and have a formal evaluation of speech and language skills. While there is a large range of “normal” when it comes to speech and language development, here are a few general milestones that we tend to base eligibility on.
Your infant is not babbling and making sounds (mamam, dadad, madaba) at 4- 7 months
Your child is not gesturing (waving, pointing) between 7-15 months
Your child is using less than 20 words at 18 months or less than 50 words at 2 years.
Your 2 year old is not putting words or phrases together (i.e. momma go, no ball).
Your child’s vocabulary is growing slowly throughout the preschool years.
Your child is still having difficulty saying certain sounds at 5 years old.
Remember that according to the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) roughly 5% of all children in the United States have a speech (the sounds that they make) or language (the organization of words we use to communicate) disorder - that’s what we’re here for! We know that this can be a scary or uncertain time, and we’re here to help. Please contact us for more information or for a formal evaluation.