SLP? ASD? Expressive vs Receptive? If you (like many others) have found yourself wondering what all of the jargon and acronyms mean, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post we will define and explain many commonly used terms related to speech and language development.
Myth or Fact?
With all of the information regarding speech and language development floating around it can be difficult to determine what is real (and backed by the research) and what is a myth. This blog post describes five common speech language myths to help you better understand your child’s speech and language development.
What Counts as a Word?
What counts as a word? My child is saying “night night,” is that a two-word phrase? What about “moo!” or “neigh!”
Speech Sound Development
Are you interested in what sounds your child should be saying when they are 2, 3, 4, or 5 years old?
Language Development Norms
Language develops in a step-wise fashion based on age and morphological development (development of the smallest units of language). Mean length of utterance (MLU), is a way to determine if our children are following the progression in an expected way!